Common Reasons Your Card Payment Was Declined

Card payment declines can occur for a variety of reasons. When OWOX BI submits a charge to your bank, their automated systems analyze whether to approve or reject the transaction. These systems take into account factors such as spending habits, account balance, and card details like the expiration date and CVC/CVV.

Since these factors are constantly changing, even a card that worked previously might get declined in the future. Overzealous fraud prevention measures by your bank can also lead to declines, even if all card details are correct.

What to Do If Your Card Is Declined

  1. Verify Card Details
    Double-check the card information you've provided in the Customer Portal. Ensure the card number, expiration date, and CVC/CVV are correct.
  2. Check Your Bank Account
    Confirm that you have sufficient funds and that your account is active.
  3. Contact Your Bank
    If everything seems correct, reach out to your bank. Inquire why the payment was declined and request that future charges from OWOX BI be accepted.
  4. Update Your Payment Method
    If your current card is not accepted, consider updating your payment details in the Customer Portal.

Need More Help?

By following these steps, you can resolve most issues related to card declines and continue enjoying the full benefits of your OWOX BI subscription.


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