[LEGACY] Consumption Units: Data Sources, Pipelines

OWOX BI Pipeline: Terms of Usage

The OWOX BI Pipeline automatically collects and processes all the data you require for swiftly generating reports and gaining valuable insights. It operates periodically within a Fully Managed pipeline, importing and updating historical data into your Data Destination.

The Data Destination is the place where your data from Data Sources is transferred. Possible destinations are:

  • Google BigQuery
  • SFTP server managed by OWOX

The product OWOX BI Pipeline has three Consumption Units:

  • Data Sources
  • Pipelines
  • Pipeline Historical Month

Consumption Unit: Data Source

It represents a number of data sources connected to Fully managed Pipelines. Data Source is the origin place where data comes from such as ad platforms, CRM, etc.

For example, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads, and Bing Ads are 4 different Data Sources.

Pipelines Data Sources count
Facebook Ads:
  • AdAccount A → GBQ Dataset X
  • AdAccount A → GBQ Dataset W
  • AdAccount B → GBQ Dataset Y
  • AdAccount C → GBQ Dataset Y
Bing Ads:
  • AdAccount C → GBQ Dataset X
Google Analytics Universal (CostData):
  • WebProperty A → GBQ Dataset X
  • WebProperty B → GBQ Dataset X
Google Analytics 4 Native Export data used in Transformation 0
Total of Consumed Units: 3 Data Source


Consumption Unit: Pipelines

It represents a number of active data pipelines. The pipeline is created by combining a Data Source and a Data Destination, each with its own unique Pipeline ID. The Pipeline is considered active and counts as a Consumed Unit if at least 1 byte of the data was transferred through it during a calendar month.

Some data sources require several data pipelines. For example, Facebook Ads and Bing Ads require a separate data pipeline for each Ad Account.

The status of the Pipelines (“Active”, “Blocked”, “Paused“ etc.) doesn’t affect the calculation of the Consumption Unit.

Data Source Data Destination Pipeline ID Transferred data during the calendar month Counted as an active pipeline
Facebook AdAccount A GBQ Dataset X id111 >1byte
Facebook AdAccount B GBQ Dataset Y id222 >1byte
Facebook AdAccount A GBQ Dataset W id333 >1byte
Bing AdAccount C GBQ Dataset X id444 >1byte
LinkedIn AdAccount D GBQ Dataset X id555 0 byte
Total of Consumed Units: 4 Pipelines


Consumption Unit: Pipeline Historical Month

The definition is a one-time import of historical data for a calendar month in fully managed pipelines, available for customers on demand.

How are they counted?

Pipeline Historical Month represents the count of months with historical data imported to the destination within the unique Pipeline ID beyond the initial start date of this Pipeline. It is considered a consumed unit if at least 1 byte of data was transferred during a period.

Frame 1.png
The count of Pipeline Historical Month is rounded up to the ceiling number if the period of historical import is less than a whole month.



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