Credits and Consumption Units: Overview

ARTICLE UPDATESEffective January 1, 2025, we have updated the list of consumption units to include: Report Runs, Process Runs (newly added), Client-Side Users, and Server-Side Users.



Product — one of the OWOX BI products such as Streaming, Transformation, and OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots (an extension for Google Sheets). 


Seat – a license assigned to individual users. The number of seats determines how many individuals can access and work with OWOX BI products. To manage user access, you can find the list of users added to your OWOX BI Project on the Members page. Learn how to manage seats/members by following this guide.

Consumption Unit

Consumption Unit (e.g. Report Runs, Process Runs, Client-Side Users, and Server-Side Users) — evaluates how actively a customer uses each OWOX BI product (Streaming, Transformation, and extension "OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots").

Each OWOX BI product has one or more associated Consumption Units. For example, the 'OWOX BI Streaming' has two Consumption units: 'Client-Side Users' and 'Server-Side Users'. Check out how Product Consumption Units convert to Credits.


Credit — a value of a unit of a consumed Product.


Tier — a range of consumed Credits, defining a ‘Subscription price’ and ‘Pay-as-you-go price’ per Credit within a Tier.


Calculation logic with examples

Note:All the numbers above are provided for logic illustration only.

Product monthly price calculation includes three steps: Consumption units, Credits, and price.

Step 1. Calculating Consumption units

Consumed units are calculated during the reporting period. Take a look at the example below:

Month Product Consumption Unit Qty
2025, Jan Streaming Client-Side Users 400,000
2025, Jan Streaming Server-Side Users 100,000
2025, Jan Transformation Process Runs 9,000
2025, Jan OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots (Google Sheets Extension) Report Runs 2,000


Each unit has criteria to be calculated as «consumed» and rounding. For instance:

  • Unsuccessful Process Runs or Report Runs aren't counted.
  • The number of consumed Process runs and Report Runs are rounded up to hundreds.


Step 2. Calculating Credits

Each Consumption unit has a predefined Credit value:

Product Unit Credits Per Unit
Streaming Client-Side Users 0.00075
Streaming Server-Side Users 0.00100
Transformation Process Runs 0.1
OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots (Google Sheets Extension) Report Runs 0.1


Calculation of the consumed Credits is as simple as that: Consumed Credits = Credits Per Unit × Qty.

Month Product Consumption Unit Qty Credits Per Unit Consumed Credits
2025, Jan Streaming Client-Side Users 400,000 0.00075 300
2025, Jan Streaming Server-Side Users 100,000 0.00100 100
2025, Jan Transformation Process Runs 9,000 0.1 900
2025, Jan OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots (Google Sheets Extension) Report Runs 2,000 0.1 200
Total Credits 1,500


Step 3. Calculating price

NoteThe prices are given as an example to demonstrate the calculation logic. The actual price you get fixed in your contract after the demo call.

As a SaaS product, we offer subscription options for our customers for lower prices than pay-as-you-go. The more credits consumer subscribes to, the less they pay for Credit on average. For instance, customers' product subscriptions could look like this:

Credits per month The subscription price per Credit w/in the Tier Pay-as-you-go price per Credit w/in the Tier
0-500 $1.50 $2.00
501-2500 $1.25
2501-5000 $1.00
5001-10000 $0.80
10001-50000 $0.60
50001-100000 $0.40
100001-1000000 $0.20


For the example above, the subscription price for 1,500 Credits costs $2,000:

Credits per month The subscription price per Credit w/in the Tier Price
500 $1.50 $750
1,000 $1.25 $1,250
Total: 1,500 Credits $2,000


If the number of actually consumed Credits exceeds subscribed ones, the overdraft will be paid by Pay-as-you-go price. For instance, if a customer subscribes for 1,500 Credits only, but consumes 1,700 Credits in January 2025, an invoice looks like this:

Month Credits Type Cost
2025, Feb 1,500 Subscription price $2,000
2025, Jan 200 Pay-as-you-go price $400


Credits consumption page

On the Credits Consumption page, you can view monthly Credit usage for Streaming, Transformations, and OWOX Reports (Google Sheets Extension) products. Read more about the Credit consumption page



Legacy Consumption Units

You can find details about previously used consumption units in the following articles:



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