OWOX BI's Google Analytics → Google BigQuery user behavior data pipeline writes user device category info in the field device.deviceCategory
of the "owoxbi_sessions" tables.
The field gets one of 17 possible values. All these values and what each of them means is described in the table below:
Field value | Meaning |
Desktop | A desktop PC or a laptop |
Anonymized | Any device with a user agent altered by anonymization software |
Unknown | A case when a user agent that contains no information about the device |
Mobile | A non-specified mobile device (it can be an eReader, a tablet, a phone, or a smartwatch) |
Tablet | A mobile device with a screen larger than 7" |
Phone | A mobile device with a screen smaller than 7" |
Watch | A mobile device with a screen smaller than 2". It can be an additional screen for a phone/tablet type device. |
Virtual Reality | A device with VR capabilities |
eReader | A device with an eInk screen |
Set-top box | A device that can be connected to a TV-sized screen |
TV | Similar to Set-top box, but built into a TV |
Game Console | Gaming systems like PlayStation and Xbox |
Handheld Game Console | Portable game systems like the 3DS |
Robot | Robots that visit the site |
Robot Mobile | Robots that visit the site and seen as a Mobile visitor |
Spy | Fake robots |
Hacker | Defined as a Hacker if scripting is detected in the user agent string |