The 'OWOX: Reports...' extension allows you to schedule the data refreshes in your reports.
Step 1. Open your Google Sheet document, which is built with the 'OWOX: Reports...' extension.
Step 2. In the extension panel, open the 'Scheduled Refresh,' block and click the 'Open schedule settings' button.
Or, you can open this window from the toolbar. Go to 'Extensions' → 'OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots' → 'Scheduled refresh.'
Step 3. In the opened window, Enable reports to run automatically by clicking on the checkbox.
Step 4. Specify the refresh frequency and the following options.
IMPORTANTThe schedule will be based on the timezone specified in the document settings. If, for any reason, the timezone cannot be retrieved, the schedule will default to UTC (GMT +0). How to change the time zone
Let's look at the example below for Hourly updates:
Below is an example for Daily updates:
An example for Weekly updates:
And finally, look at the example for Monthly updates:
Step 5. Select a list of reports, which will be updated.
Step 6. If you wish to receive notifications about data refreshes in the report, check the 'Send notifications to...' box. Next, choose your preference for email notifications: opt for receiving all notifications or only those in the case of errors.
Step 7. Confirm that you understand and agree with Google BigQuery pricing policy.
Step 8. Click the 'Save' button.