Sometimes minor interface improvements bring the maximum benefit to users. And today, we've released one tiny change in the pipeline setup page that will fix one of the issues with duplicated cost data.
The improvement concerns the cost data pipeline from Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. We’ve grouped them into one link with a double logo instead of two separate links to ‘Facebook’ and ‘Instagram’:
The Facebook Ads API allows you to import cost data for both Facebook and Instagram campaigns. Only one Facebook Ads logo used to be on our pipeline setup page. Therefore our new users would often ask us “Do you have an Instagram cost data import?” And we decided to add a separate Instagram logo in addition to Facebook. A user would go to the Facebook Ads flow settings by clicking on the Instagram logo.
As a result, users saw two separate logos and set up two different pipelines. But technically they got duplication of data for Facebook and Instagram campaigns. We conducted several surveys with our users and found the solution to this problem. We need to leave one link for both Facebook and Instagram by combining two logos in one icon. And that’s all 😉
We are happy to get feedback from our customers and improve OWOX BI step-by-step. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact us at