August 23, 2018 — OWOX BI Smart Data. Call tracking data reports

OWOX BI can be integrated with a number of call tracking services. This lets you add call tracking data to the data you are collecting to Google BigQuery with OWOX BI Pipeline, analyze customer interactions via tracked phone numbers and consider them in your business's sales funnel.

Now you can ask Smart Data questions to your call tracking data and get reports on the number of calls, phone number ad campaigns' efficiency, and call center contributions to a customer's path through the funnel. 

What you need to get Smart Data reports on call tracking

1. Set up a Google Analytics→Google BigQuery user behavior data streaming in OWOX BI Pipeline with session data collection enabled.

2. Integrate OWOX BI with the service you use for collecting call tracking data.

3. Connect call tracking data by following the Smart Data directions in the Call tracking tab:


4. Once the data is connected, the report templates based on your data will appear in the Call tracking


You also will become able to ask questions with any call tracking metric or dimension in the input field.

Supported call tracking services:

  • Mango
  • CoMagic
  • Calltouch
  • Ringostat

Report example

How did <count of calls> change over the <last 30 days> by <days> and by <user types>?

Here are the <metrics> and <dimensions> you can use in your questions to call tracking data.

Along with the existing user behavior metrics, you now can use:

  • count of calls
  • count of callers
  • average call duration

New dimensions:

  • call status

For these reports, you can use any combination of metrics and dimensions available in Smart Data.


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