September 29, 2017 — OWOX BI Pipeline: removing the "Need to exclude VAT" field from the interface of 8 cost data import pipelines

Many advertising services return cost data via their APIs without considering taxes. As a matter of fact, the cost data in Google Analytics reports is also displayed without taxes, specifically, without VAT.

In this regard, we decided to remove the "Need to exclude VAT" field from the following cost data import pipelines in the OWOX BI interface:

  • Twitter
  • Outbrain
  • Sklik
  • Criteo
  • Yahoo Gemini
  • AdRoll
  • Facebook
  • Bing

FYI: this step was removed from the interface of currently active pipelines in which the VAT percentage was set to zero. Also, this step is no longer available for new cost data import pipelines from the named advertising services.

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