September 13, 2017 — New OWOX BI Pipelines: Mango Office and integrations

OWOX BI Pipeline imports the data about phone calls from the MANGO OFFICE and services into Google BigQuery automatically, and in real time. This helps you understand which customer acquisition channels are the most effective. You can take it to the next level and track each user interaction with your business by combining the call tracking data with the information from Google Analytics and the ERP systems in Google BigQuery.

How to activate the pipelines


Set up an OWOX BI pipeline to collect Google Analytics data in Google BigQuery.

If you already have an active OWOX BI Pipeline: Google Analytics to Google BigQuery, you can skip over to the next step.

Make sure you’re using the same UA property in the call tracking settings of your MANGO OFFICE account, as the property you’re using with OWOX BI Pipeline: Google Analytics to Google BigQuery.

In your MANGO OFFICE account, go to the call tracking settings and enable the integration with OWOX BI.

Start with setting up an OWOX BI pipeline to collect Google Analytics data in Google BigQuery.

In case you have already activated OWOX BI Pipeline: Google Analytics to Google BigQuery, you can proceed to the next step.

Be sure to use the same UA property in the settings of your account as the property you’re using with OWOX BI Pipeline: Google Analytics to Google BigQuery.

Make a request for the integration in your account.


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