June 23, 2017 — OWOX BI Pipeline. Changes to the Criteo → Google Analytics pipelines

The Criteo API doesn’t allow for obtaining utm-parameters of ads. In this connection, cost data was imported according to the following logic:

  • OWOX BI Pipeline imports cost data down to the source/medium/campaign level.
  • At that, the following values were required: ga:source=criteo, ga:medium=cpc, ga:campaign = campaignName parameter which we get using the getCampaigns method.

Many customers have told us that they use other source/medium values than criteo/cpc. Following your feedback, we’ve added the option to change the source/medium values.

Now source=criteo and medium=cpc are default values, but you can change them in the settings of your pipeline, or set up the values you want while creating a new pipeline.

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