OWOX BI Smart Data
We've added lots of new metrics and dimensions to Google Analytics data model.
You can use them within current question templates.
For example,
- How did the conversion rate change over the last 6 months by months and by product category?
- What was the number of exits by checkout step?
- How was the ad cost distributed to regions?
- Ad cost
- Attributed ad cost
- Average number of hits per session
- Average number of pageviews per session
- Average number of product views per session
- Average number of screenviews per session
- Average number of transactions per session
- Average product price
- Average shipping cost
- Average transaction tax
- Number of social actions
- Number of exits
- Number of entrances
- Event value
- Hits type
- Referer
- Data source
- Operating system
- Operating system version
- Browser version
- Mobile device
- App name
- App version
- Region
- Keyword
- Ad content
- Ad network type
- Social action
- Social network
- Social network URL
- Page path
- Page title
- Hostname
- Promotion name
- Affiliate
- Event category
- Event action
- Event label
- Checkout step
- Ecommerce action type
- Product name
- Product brand
- Product category
- Product coupon code
- Transaction coupon code