First SQL-snippet


#Intermediate table with data for the pageviews, page, events, eventsInfo object as well as information about transactions for deduplication
  #Set the date range for the calculation
    dates AS 
          '{{start_suffix}}' AS date_start,
          '{{end_suffix}}' AS date_end,
  #Preparing data for pageviews object
    pageview AS
          STRUCT ( 
            date AS date,
            sessionId AS sessionId,
            time AS time,
            pageviews AS pageview,
            CAST(FARM_FINGERPRINT(CONCAT(IFNULL(hostName,""),IFNULL(pagePath,""),IFNULL(pageTitle,""))) AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS pageviews,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hostName,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pagePath,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageTitle
          ) AS page,    
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS events,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS events,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventCategory,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventAction,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventLabel
          ) AS eventInfo,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS transactionId,
            CAST(null AS FLOAT64) AS transactionRevenue
          ) AS transactions       
              PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', _TABLE_SUFFIX) AS date,
              CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitorId as STRING)) as sessionId,
              TO_HEX(MD5(CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitId as STRING),'_',hits.time,'_',ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitId as STRING)))))) as hitId,  
              visitStartTime+hits.time AS time,
              1 AS pageviews,
              IF(STRPOS(,'?')>0, SUBSTR(,1,STRPOS(,'?')-1), AS pagePath,  
              --ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY hitId ORDER BY hits.time asc) as RN
              #List all CDs of the hit level, also name them
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=1,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_1,
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=2,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_2,
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=3,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_3,
              dates AS d, `{{project_id}}.{{dataset_id}}.ga_sessions_*`,
            UNNEST (hits) AS hits  
            WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN d.date_start AND d.date_end AND hits.type='PAGE'
  #Preparing data for page object
    p AS
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS pageview,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS pageviews,
          STRUCT (
            CAST(FARM_FINGERPRINT(CONCAT(IFNULL(hostName,""),IFNULL(pagePath,""),IFNULL(pageTitle,""))) AS STRING) AS pageHash,
            hostName AS hostName,
            pagePath AS pagePath,
            pageTitle AS pageTitle
          ) AS page,  
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS events,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS events,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventCategory,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventAction,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventLabel
          ) AS eventInfo,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS transactionId,
            CAST(null AS FLOAT64) AS transactionRevenue
          ) AS transactions  
              REGEXP_EXTRACT(, r'[^(?|#|;)]*') AS pagePath,           
              #List all CDs of the hit level, also name them
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=1,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_1,
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=2,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_2,
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=3,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_3,
              dates AS d,`{{project_id}}.{{dataset_id}}.ga_sessions_*`, 
            UNNEST (hits) AS hits  
            WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN d.date_start AND d.date_end AND LOWER(hits.type)='pageview'
            GROUP BY 1,2,3
  #Preparing data for events object
    event AS 
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS pageview,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS pageviews,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hostName,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pagePath,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageTitle
          ) AS page,   
          STRUCT (   
          ) AS events,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventCategory,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventAction,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventLabel
          ) AS eventInfo,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS transactionId,
            CAST(null AS FLOAT64) AS transactionRevenue
          ) AS transactions     
          #List all CDs of the hit level, also name them
          --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=1,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_1,
          --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=2,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_2,
          --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=3,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_3,
              PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', _TABLE_SUFFIX) AS date,
              CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitId as STRING)) as sessionId,
              TO_HEX(MD5(CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitId as STRING),'_',hits.time,'_',ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitId as STRING)))))) as hitId,  
              visitStartTime+hits.time AS time,
              1 as events,
              CAST(FARM_FINGERPRINT(CONCAT(IFNULL(hits.eventInfo.eventCategory,""),IFNULL(hits.eventInfo.eventAction,""),IFNULL(hits.eventInfo.eventLabel,""))) AS STRING) AS eventHash, 
              --ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY hitId ORDER BY hits.time ASC) as RN
            dates as d, `{{project_id}}.{{dataset_id}}.ga_sessions_*`, 
            UNNEST (hits) AS hits  
            WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN d.date_start AND d.date_end AND hits.type='EVENT'    
  #Preparing data for eventInfo object
    ei AS 
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS pageview,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS pageviews,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hostName,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pagePath,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageTitle
          ) AS page,     
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS events,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS events,
          STRUCT (  
          ) AS eventInfo,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS transactionId,
            CAST(null AS FLOAT64) AS transactionRevenue
          ) AS transactions  
              CAST(FARM_FINGERPRINT(CONCAT(IFNULL(hits.eventInfo.eventCategory,""),IFNULL(hits.eventInfo.eventAction,""),IFNULL(hits.eventInfo.eventLabel,""))) AS STRING) AS eventHash,    
              hits.eventInfo.eventCategory AS eventCategory,
              hits.eventInfo.eventAction AS eventAction,
              hits.eventInfo.eventLabel AS eventLabel
              #List all CDs of the hit level, also name them
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=1,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_1,
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=2,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_2,
              --(SELECT MAX(IF(index=3,value,NULL)) FROM UNNEST(hits.customDimensions)) AS custom_dimension_3,
              dates as d,`{{project_id}}.{{dataset_id}}.ga_sessions_*`, 
            UNNEST (hits) AS hits  
            WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN d.date_start AND d.date_end AND LOWER(hits.type)='event'
            GROUP BY 1,2,3,4
  #Preparing data for transactions object
    transaction AS 
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS pageview,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS pageviews,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hostName,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pagePath,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageTitle
          ) AS page,     
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS DATE) AS date,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS sessionId,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS hitId,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS time,
            CAST(null AS INTEGER) AS events,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS pageHash
          ) AS events,
          STRUCT ( #empty
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventHash,
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventCategory,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventAction,  
            CAST(null AS STRING) AS eventLabel
          ) AS eventInfo,
          STRUCT ( 
          ) AS transactions
               PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', _TABLE_SUFFIX) AS date,
               CONCAT(fullvisitorId,'_',CAST(visitId as STRING)) as sessionId,
               visitStartTime+hits.time AS time,                    
               hits.transaction.transactionId AS transactionId,
               hits.transaction.transactionRevenue AS transactionRevenue                  
               dates as d, `{{project_id}}.{{dataset_id}}.ga_sessions_*`,
            UNNEST (hits) AS hits  
            WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN d.date_start AND d.date_end AND hits.transaction.transactionId IS NOT null 
            GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5
  #Combining data for pageviews, page, events, eventInfo, transactions objects
    Final as 
        SELECT as date, * FROM pageview
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST(null as DATE) as date, * FROM p
        UNION ALL
        SELECT as date, * FROM event
        UNION ALL
        SELECT CAST(null as DATE) as date, * FROM ei
        UNION ALL
        SELECT as date, * FROM transaction 



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