You will get the data in the table 'export_ga4_sessions' with the schema below:
This section contains user info
Field name | Data Type | Description |
user |
RECORD | This section contains user info |
id |
STRING | User Identificator. The value of the parameter with the key 'user_id' is taken from the last event in the session timeline where this value is not empty, within the array of event parameters |
phone |
STRING | The user phone number. The value of the parameter with the key 'tel' is taken from the last event in the session timeline where this value is not empty, within the array of event parameters |
email |
STRING | The user email. The value of the parameter with the key 'email' is taken from the last event in the session timeline where this value is not empty, within the array of event parameters |
owoxId |
STRING | Due to code similarities, this parameter added to final schema, but it would be empty |
user_pseudo_id |
STRING | If sessions are formed on some other identificator, here would be the value of original user_pseudo_id |
clientId |
STRING | This anonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance. The value of the 'user_pseudo_id' field is being used. |
date |
DATE | The parsed date value from the wildcard table suffix is being used for partitioning the session table generated by the template. |
sessionId |
STRING | An identifier for this session. The concatenation of 'user_pseudo_id' and the timestamp of the first event in the session is performed, or if 'user_pseudo_id' is empty, then 'user_id' is used instead. |
visitNumber |
INTEGER | Number of client's visit |
isBounceSession |
INTEGER | This field indicates whether the session was a bounce (1) or not (0). A session is considered a bounce, if fewer than two pages were viewed, and there were no interactive actions (anything except 'scroll', 'video_progress', 'session_start', 'first_visit'). |
timeOnSite |
INTEGER | Session duration in seconds |
newVisits |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
landingPage |
STRING | The value of the parameter with the key 'page_location' is taken from the first event in the session timeline, within the array of event parameters. A URL address of the first event in the session without any query parameters such as UTM tags. This field helps unite the same landing pages from the sessions with different sources. |
platform |
STRING | This value can take two parameters: "WEB" for sessions from the website, generated by the "Merge Events into Sessions" template or "Merge Events into Sessions (GA4 BigQuery Export)" template. And "APP" for sessions from the application, generated by "Merge Events into Sessions (App Data)" template. |
device |
RECORD | This section contains information about the user devices |
deviceCategory |
STRING | The type of the user's device: -tv; - game console; - robot; - set-top box; - robot mobile; - unknown; - hacker; - virtual reality; - anonymizer; Full list and definitions |
browser |
STRING | The browser used |
browserVersion |
STRING | The version of the browser used |
operatingSystem |
STRING | The operating system of the device |
operatingSystemVersion |
STRING | The version of the operating system |
mobileDeviceInfo |
STRING | The branding, model, and marketing name used to identify the mobile device |
ip |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme. Planned to be added. |
userAgent |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme. Planned to be added. |
isBot |
BOOLEAN | 'true' if the session is started by a bot. 'false' if the session is started by a real user |
language |
STRING | Language Language in the ISO-639 format |
geoNetwork |
RECORD | This section contains information about the geography of the user |
country |
STRING | The country from which sessions originated, based on last parameter, that is not empty. |
countryIsoCode |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
region |
STRING | The region from which sessions originated, based on last geo.region parameter, that is not empty. |
regionIsoCode |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
city |
STRING | The city from which sessions originated, based on last parameter, that is not empty. |
latitude |
FLOAT | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
longitude |
FLOAT | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
continent |
STRING | The continent from which sessions originated, based on last geo.continent parameter, that is not empty. |
sub_continent |
STRING | The country from which sessions originated, based on last parameter, that is not empty. |
metro |
STRING | The Designated Market Area (DMA) from which sessions originate. |
trafficSource |
RECORD | This section contains information about the Traffic Source from which the session originated |
channelGrouping |
STRING | This section contains user info |
source |
STRING | The source of the traffic source. Could be the name of the search engine, the referring hostname, or a value of the utm_source URL parameter. |
medium |
STRING | The medium of the traffic source from the utm_medium URL parameter. Could be "organic", "cpc", "referral" etc. |
campaign |
STRING | The campaign value. Usually set by the utm_campaign URL parameter. |
keyword |
STRING | The keyword of the traffic source, usually set when the trafficSource.medium is "organic" or "cpc". Can be set by the utm_term URL parameter. For Google Ads campaigns may be a descriptive string for the targeting criterion. |
adContent |
STRING | The ad content of the traffic source. Can be set by the utm_content URL parameter. |
adGroup |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
keywordMatchType |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
adwordsClickInfo |
RECORD | This section contains information about the Google Ads click info if there is any associated with this session. Analytics uses the last non-direct click model. |
placementDomain |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
adNetworkType |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
adMatchedQuery |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
gclid |
STRING | Specifies the Google Ads Id |
dclid |
STRING | Specifies the Google Display Ads Id |
mscklid |
STRING | Specifies the Microsoft Click Id |
fbclid |
STRING | Specifies the Facebook Click Id |
isLastClickDirect |
BOOLEAN | True, if this was the last direct click. |
isLastClickDirect |
BOOLEAN | True, if this was the last direct click. |
isTrueDirect |
BOOLEAN | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
adCost |
FLOAT | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
attributedAdCost |
FLOAT | Total session cost is attributed evenly between the sessions according to the known tags. If some value has already been assigned to such sessions (for example, by assigning a value from the adCost field), the new value will be added to the existing one. See the example |
attributedAdImpressions |
FLOAT | Total session impressions is attributed evenly between the sessions according to the known tags. If some impressions value has already been assigned to such sessions, the new value will be added to the existing one. See the example on the attributedAdCost format. |
attributedAdClicks |
FLOAT | Total session clicks is attributed evenly between the sessions according to the known tags. If some clicks value has already been assigned to such sessions, the new value will be added to the existing one. See the example on the attributedAdCost format. |
referrer |
STRING | The referring page. If this page is from the same domain, this is blank. |
totals |
RECORD | Contains nested fields with aggregated session data. Analog to the totalsStreaming field |
hits |
INTEGER | The total number of events within the session. |
events |
INTEGER | The total number of events within the session, that are not page_view. |
transactions |
INTEGER | The total number of events within the session, that have purchase value. |
pageviews |
INTEGER | The total number of events within the session, that have page_view value. |
screenviews |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
isInteraction |
BOOLEAN | This value is TRUE for sessions with interaction events. The value is FALSE if there are no interaction events in the session. |
visits |
INTEGER | Being filled with a constant value of "1". |
totalsStreaming |
RECORD | Contains nested fields with aggregated session data |
hits |
INTEGER | Total number of events within the session |
events |
INTEGER | Total number of events within the session, with event_name, that is not equal page_view. |
transactions |
INTEGER | The total number of events within the session, that have purchase value. |
pageviews |
INTEGER | The total number of events within the session, that have page_view value. |
screenviews |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
isInteraction |
BOOLEAN | Being filled with constant value of "true" |
customDimensions |
RECORD | This section contains any user-level or session-level custom dimensions that are set for a session. This is a repeated field and has an entry for each dimension that is set. This field is null for now. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
key |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
value |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
hits |
RECORD | This row and nested fields are populated for any and all types of events |
hitId |
STRING | An identifier for this event. Created from the pre-generated sessionId with event_name, timestamp, and numbering within these parameters (in case of duplicates). The result is passed through the MD5 and TO_HEX functions. |
isEntrance |
INTEGER | Contains the value of 1 in the first pageview event of the session. It is not filled in the rest of the events (Null). |
isExit |
INTEGER | Contains the value of 1 in the last pageview event of the session. It is not filled in the rest of the events (Null). |
time |
INTEGER | UNIX-seconds of event. |
timestamp |
INTEGER | UNIX-milliseconds of event. |
queueTime |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
hour |
INTEGER | The hour in which the event occurred (0 to 23), obtained from the date and time value, obtained from event_timestamp, considering the timezone. |
minute |
INTEGER | The minute in which the event occurred (0 to 59), obtained from the date and time value, obtained from event_timestamp, considering the timezone. |
type |
STRING | For events with an event_name equal to page_view, "pageview" is indicated. For automatically collected GA4 events, "autoevent" is used. For all other events, "event" is used. |
isSecure |
BOOLEAN | If the parameter with the key "page_location" from the event_params array contains the value "https", the field takes the value "true". Otherwise, it takes the value "false". |
pagePath |
STRING | The URL path of the page |
pageType |
STRING | Website page type |
eCommerceActionType |
STRING | Product Action Can be one of: detail, click, add, remove, checkout, checkout_option, purchase, refund. Also, this field can take the same value as the promotionActionInfo field. |
isInteraction |
BOOLEAN | If the value of the event_name parameter is in the list of "scroll" or "video_progress", the field takes the value "false". Otherwise, it takes the value "true". |
currency |
STRING | The code of local currency for all transaction currency values |
referer |
STRING | The referring page, if the session has a goal completion or transaction. If this page is from the same domain, this is blank. |
referralPath |
STRING | The path of the referring URL (e.g., document.referrer). If someone places on their webpage a link to the property, this is the path of the page containing the referring link. |
dataSource |
STRING | The data source of a event. The value of the parameter with the key "dataSource" from the event_params array. |
device |
RECORD | This section contains information about the user devices |
ip |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
userAgent |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
flashVersion |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
javaEnabled |
BOOLEAN | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
language |
STRING | The language, in ISO-639 code format (e.g., en-gb for British English), provided by the HTTP Request for the browser |
screenColors |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
screenResolution |
STRING | Resolution of users' screens, for example, 1024x738 |
geo |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
id |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
customGroups |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
value |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
contentGroups |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
value |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
social |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
socialInteractionAction |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
socialInteractionNetwork |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
socialInteractionTarget |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
page |
RECORD | This section is populated for each event with type = pageview |
pageType |
STRING | Website page type |
pagePath |
STRING | The URL path of the page |
hostname |
STRING | The hostname of the URL |
pageTitle |
STRING | The page title |
eCommerceAction |
RECORD | This section contains all of the events that occurred during the session. This is a repeated field and has an entry for each event that was collected. |
action_type |
STRING | Product Action Can be one of: detail, click, add, remove, checkout, checkout_option, purchase, refund. Also, this field can take the same value as the promotionActionInfo field. |
option |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
step |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
list |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
experiment |
RECORD | This row and the nested fields are populated for each event that contains data for an experiment |
experimentId |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
experimentVariant |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
product |
RECORD | This row and nested fields will be populated for each event that contains Enhanced Ecommerce PRODUCT data |
isImpression |
BOOLEAN | If the event_name parameter is equal to "view_item_list", the field takes the value "true". Otherwise, it takes the value "false". |
impressionList |
STRING | The name of the product list in which the product appears. If the event_name parameter is equal to "view_item_list", the field takes the value of "items.item_list_name". Otherwise, it remains empty (Null). |
productListName |
STRING | If the event_name parameter is equal to "view_item_list", the field takes the value of "items.item_list_name". Otherwise, it remains empty (Null). |
productBrand |
STRING | The brand associated with the product |
productSku |
STRING | Product SKU. |
productVariant |
STRING | Product Variant. |
productPrice |
FLOAT | Price of the product in the currency in USD. |
localProductPrice |
FLOAT | Product price in the actual transaction currency |
productQuantity |
INTEGER | The quantity of the product purchased |
productCategory |
STRING | Product Category |
productName |
STRING | Product Name |
position |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
coupon |
STRING | Code for the product-level coupon (Enhanced Ecommerce) |
customDimensions |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
key |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
value |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
customMetrics |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but fully empty. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
key |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
value |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
promotion |
RECORD | This row and nested fields are populated for each event that contains Enhanced Ecommerce PROMOTION information |
promoCreative |
STRING | The text or creative variation associated with the promotion |
promoId |
STRING | Promotion ID |
promoName |
STRING | Promotion Name |
promoPosition |
STRING | Promotion position on the site |
promotionActionInfo |
STRING | Enhanced Ecommerce PROMOTION action information |
transaction |
RECORD | This section is populated for each event with type = transaction |
transactionId |
STRING | The transaction ID of the e-commerce transaction |
transactionRevenue |
FLOAT | Revenue from the transaction in the USD. |
localTransactionRevenue |
FLOAT | Revenue from the transaction in the local transaction currency |
transactionTax |
FLOAT | Transaction tax in the USD |
localTransactionTax |
FLOAT | Transaction tax in the local transaction currency |
transactionShipping |
FLOAT | Shipping price for the transaction in USD |
localTransactionShipping |
FLOAT | Shipping price for the transaction in the local currency |
transactionCoupon |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
affiliation |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
contentInfo |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
contentDescription |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
appInfo |
RECORD | This section will be populated for each event with type = "appview" or "exception" |
name |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
version |
STRING | The application version |
id |
STRING | The application ID |
installerId |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
eventInfo |
RECORD | This section is populated for each event with type = "event" |
eventName |
STRING | The event name |
eventCategory |
STRING | The event category |
eventAction |
STRING | The event action |
eventLabel |
STRING | The event label |
eventValue |
STRING | The event value |
timingInfo |
RECORD | Contains nested fields, but is fully empty. |
timingCategory |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
timingVariable |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
timingLabel |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
timingValue |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
pageLoad |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
pageDownload |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
redirectResponse |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
TCPConnect |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
serverResponse |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
DOMInteractive |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
contentLoad |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
customDimensions |
RECORD | This section contains any event-level custom dimensions. This is a repeated field and has an entry for each dimension that is set. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
key |
STRING | The "key" parameter from the event_params. Only those array rows are considered where the "value.string_value" value is not empty. |
value |
STRING | The "value.string_value" parameter from the event_params. Only those array rows are considered where the "value.string_value" value is not empty. |
customMetrics |
RECORD | This section contains any event-level custom metrics. This is a repeated field and has an entry for each metric that is set. |
index |
INTEGER | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
key |
STRING | The "key" parameter from the event_params. Only those array rows are considered where the value of at least one of the fields "value.int_value", "value.double_value", "value.float_value" is not empty. |
value |
FLOAT | The "value.int_value", "value.double_value", and "value.float_value" parameters from the event_params, converted to the FLOAT data type. Only those array rows are considered where the value of at least one of these fields is not empty. |
exceptionInfo |
RECORD | Contains nested fields with the info on exceptions |
description |
STRING | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
isFatal |
BOOLEAN | This field will remain empty, it is not intended to be filled in the current scheme |
privacyInfo |
RECORD | This section contains user info |
analyticsStorage |
STRING | Whether data collection is enabled for the user for Google Analytics. Possible values: "Yes", "No", "Not configured". Google Help Center |
adsStorage |
STRING | Whether ad targeting is enabled for the user. Possible values: "Yes", "No", "Not configured". Google Help Center |
usesTransientToken |
STRING | Translation: Whether the user has opted out of data collection for Google Analytics and whether the developer has enabled data collection without cookie files based on temporary tokens in server-side data. Possible values: "Yes", "No", "Not configured". Google Help Center |
visitStartTime |
INTEGER | UNIX-seconds of first event in session. |