This transformation works in conjunction with the Ecom Data Model transformation,
and receives input data from objects, that were prepared by that template.
Note:If any objects are deactivated within the Ecommerce Data Model transformation, then the operation A - CMO Dashboard needs to be customized accordingly.
Note:Letters at the beginning of the name of each operation define, in all, what this operation does:
D (DELETE) - operation with the main task of data deletion;
A (APPEND) - operation, that adds new data to the table.
Below, you'll find a handy list of operations in the transformation template, each briefly described for your convenience. However, if you're eager to get started, feel free to jump into the "How to start" article.
D - Data Cleansing
This operation cleanses the table in selected in {{start_suffix}}
- {{end_suffix}}
A - CMO Dashboard
The operation, that creates datamart for the dashboard. In case some object would be excluded in 'Ecom Data Model' template, relevant objects should be commented on in this operation.
D - Data Cleansing LinkedIn
This operation cleanses the LinkedIn datamart table in selected in {{start_suffix}}
- {{end_suffix}}
Turned off by default.
A - LinkedIn detailed
This operation takes data for datamart directly from the LinkedIn advertisement cost data table.
After all operations finish their work, you can copy a dashboard template and connect a table to it and get a perfect CMO dashboard with e-commerce for data analyzing, getting insights, and other marketing efforts.
How to add Google Big Query table as the Data Source in Looker Studio.