Variables list for the 'Standard Attribution models' template


Specify the period for which you want to perform the transformation.

Variable name Type Description Example of value
{{start_suffix}} STRING

The start variable is responsible for the period's start date for which transformation should be performed. Example value is an SQL code that takes one day less than the current date and turns it into a string that is understandable for Google BigQuery.

In other words, this is the beginning of the period during which the transformation needs to be performed.

We recommend using a data refresh interval of 7 day to save resources, but you can use any interval you prefer.

Additionally, instead of SQL code, you can specify a specific date in the date format here, for example, CAST ('20230101' AS STRING).

{{end_suffix}} STRING

The end variable is responsible for the period's end date for which transformation should be performed. Example value is an SQL code that takes one day less than the current date and turns it into a string that is understandable for Google BigQuery. Thus, this transformation would take dates between start_suffix and end_suffix.

This is the end of the period during which the transformation needs to be performed. We recommend using a data refresh interval of 1 day to save resources, but you can use any interval you prefer. Additionally, instead of SQL code, you can specify an end date in the date format, for example, CAST ('20230101' AS STRING).



Sessions, as initial data

Specify where to get data about sessions, with which the current transformation will work.

Important: Using this template assumes that all your data is located within one GCP (Google Cloud Platform) project.
If you store data in more than one project, please contact us via email at before proceeding with the setup.

Variable name Type Description Example of value
{{gcp_project_id}} STRING

ID of your project in Google Big Query, where the session table is located for which the current transformation is configured.

Place, in which which the whole results of attribution calculations would be saved. 

{{s_dataset_id}} STRING

The dataset ID where the session table is located for which the current transformation is configured.

{{s_table_id}} STRING

The ID of the table with sessions. Place, in which initial data for the current transformation is saved. Has a standard value: owoxbi_ga4_sessions_



Additional parameters

Specify additional parameters used for models of attribution

Variable name Type Description Example of value
{{c_window}} STRING

Specify the Conversion window. 
It is a number of days before conversion. Only sessions that happened within the conversion window will get value. By default, this parameter is set to 7 days. The length of a conversion window depends greatly on the type of your business.

In case of changing the conversion window, on the already calculated data, you need to recalculate for the entire period, or delete the tables with the calculation and perform the calculation for the required period.

{{c_event}} STRING

Conversion event - allows you to set the name of the conversion event.
For transactions, you must use the standard name purchase, for page views - name of event, like registration_complete.

purchase OR registration_complete
{{c_url}} STRING

Conversion URL - allows you to set the URL where the conversion event occurs (by default it is set as the entire site).

%% - this value stands for whole site. 
%/conversion% - for the specified conversion page

Specify where to save the results of the current transformation.

Variable name Type Description Example of value
{{r_dataset_id}} STRING

The dataset ID where tables, as a result of the current transformation, would be saved.

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