What is the recommended data volume?

The recommended number of conversions depends on the number of paths (sessions):


Number of sessions Recommended number of conversions
100 73 
500 176 
1000 213 
2000 239 
3000 249 
4000 254 
5000 258 
6000 260 
7000 262 
8000 263 
9000 264 
10 000 265
15 000 267 
20 000 268 
30 000 269 
40 000 and more 270 

In the cases above, the time period equals a conversion window.
Conversion window — is the number of days that takes visitors to accomplish the macro conversion. For most businesses, it's about 30 days.

If the macro conversion step of the funnel has the least amount of actions among all the other funnel steps, a number of steps doesn't influence the recommended data volume.
If there is a step that has fewer actions than the macro conversion step, consider it instead of the number of conversions.

funnel-en.pngThe step with the least number of actions is not the last one, it's the step Call. Consider the step when checking the recommended number of sessions.

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